Red Riding Hood is part of our Starts With a Story Collection, which includes more than 550 picture book companions based on high quality children’s literature that support you in delivering highly-engaging interactive read alouds with follow up activities. Learn more about this children’s book below! - Jodi and the Starts With a Story Team



"Red Riding Hood" by James Marshall is about Little Red Riding Hood who was a delightful young girl who found out that one day her Granny was ill. Her mother made a custard for her, and Red Riding Hood was to deliver it through the deep, dark woods. After Little Red Riding Hood swore to not talk to strangers, she was off to deliver the custard to her Granny! It did not take long before she met a stranger- a wolf. However, the wolf was like no stranger she had ever met! The wolf was helpful and compassionate. Once the wolf learns enough, he runs ahead and gobbles up the Granny and then he jumps into the covers and awaits his dessert. Little Red Riding Hood approaches Granny’s house and sees her, causing distress. The wolf quickly gobbles her up too, then takes a nap. A hunter nearby hears the racket and comes quickly to Granny’s house. He splits open the wolf, revealing Little Red Riding Hood and Granny! Little Red promises to never talk to strangers again, no matter how charming they are.


Our read aloud lesson plans for this picture book come with reading comprehension questions (with sample student responses), 30 writing prompts, teaching ideas for grammar skills, social emotional learning discussion ideas, and more. Check out our list below to get a sneak peek at some of the skills this resource teaches.

  1. Encourage students to use their summarizing and retelling strategies.
  2. Analyze the illustrations in the story. Discuss how they provide meaning that the words might not.
  3. Help students to analyze what the author’s purpose for writing the book might be.
  4. Teach a lesson on making connections to enhance comprehension.
  5. Explore prepositions and how they describe nouns or pronouns.
  6. Use examples from the book to teach a lesson on interjections.
  7. Encourage students to think about ways they can show compassion.


If you are looking for “ready to go” activities for the first day of school, be sure to check out the book companion. With it you’ll receive all of the following resources to align with this specific book:

  • comprehension questions
  • 30 writing prompts with themed paper
  • vocabulary activities
  • word study print & go activities
  • ideas for grammar lessons with focus sentence printables
  • social emotional learning discussion topics
  • graphic organizers to target specific comprehension skills and strategies

This book is a must have for your school or classroom library. Your students are going to love completing these activities for the book and you will be impressed with how much they learn. You will want to read this book to your class every year.



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